New homes

Top pre-rental tips for landlords

Posted November 26th 2021
Someone being handed over a set of keys

We have put together the 5 most common tips that we like to ensure all landlords are aware of pre-tenancy. From professional cleaning, legislation and telling your Property Manager everything, here are some tips we think all landlords should be aware of:

Get your property professionally cleaned 

Before you start renting your property, we will recommend that we arrange for the property to be professionally cleaned from top to bottom. Not only will it make for a more pleasant experience for your tenants, at every change of tenants, there will be the requirement for them to leave it in the same condition as at the start of the tenancy. In theory this should help keep your property at the highest possible standards of cleanliness.

Make sure you conduct an inventory

Your inventory is one of the most important documents you will have as a landlord for that tenancy, as it will record the starting condition of your property. This includes walls, ceilings, floorings, fixtures and fittings, and standard of cleanliness. It creates a snapshot in time and a report to the tenant that they need to return the property in the same condition (allowing for wear and tear). If at the end of the tenancy items are missing or damaged, this document will help support a claim made against the tenant.


With hundreds of changes to UK laws in recent years, remaining compliant is challenging. Here at Frost's we are fortunate to have the backing of a large compliance division, and part of the Premium & Managed services we deliver, includes helping landlords keep up to date with all new regulations as well as the existing 178 pieces, providing you with complete peace of mind. We will regularly update you by our monthly newsletter and by individual correspondence if any changes take effect requiring action to be taken.

Tell your property manager everything

The more information you give your property manager the more we'll be able to help.  Any special rules or regulations, such as no barbeques on the balcony, or no doormats in the communal area, we should know to ensure that we can advise your tenants of this in order that they comply with any regulations. Equally if your neighbour has a right of way access, or you have a special arrangement regarding parking, do share that with us. If you have warranties for any new appliances, then do allow us to keep a copy on file so that in the event of a breakdown we can contact your supplier immediately

We hope you found this helpful, and please do get in touch with our Property Management Team if you have any queries.

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