New homes

Smoke and carbon monoxide alarm regulations change on the 1 October 2022

Posted July 11th 2022

Smoke and carbon monoxide alarm regulations change on 1 October 2022

Recently the government announced forthcoming changes to the Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarm Regulations, and they could come into effect from 1 October 2022.

Under the current rules, since 1 October 2015, landlords have needed to ensure that a smoke alarm is fitted on every floor of their property where there is a room used wholly or partly as living accommodation, and a carbon monoxide alarm in any room where solid fuel is burnt, such as wood, coal or biomass and including open fires.

Under the new legislation

  • A carbon monoxide alarm will be mandatory in rooms with a fixed combustion appliance (such as a boiler, gas fire but excluding gas cookers)

With this in mind, we have negotiated a flat fee rate of £30 plus vat for the installation of a Carbon Monoxide Alarm by one of our certified Gas safe registered engineers whilst they are on site carrying out your annual Gas Safety inspection.

If your inspection is due and found not to be ready for the new legislation, our engineers will install the required alarms for you. If you are arranging your own inspection then please ensure your Gas engineer does the same.

If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact the Property management team.

Phone: 01727 861199 or Email: