Landlord Safety Pack

Landlords Safety Pack – keeping landlords legal and tenants safe
Frost’s are one of the largest lettings agents locally and provide an exceptional level of service to both landlords and tenants in their property.
With over 1,000 live tenancies in the St Albans and Harpenden area, our Lettings and Property Management department have been providing peace of mind to landlords for over 20 years.
Landlords are required to
- Identify and assess sources of legionella risk
- Ensure all prescribed Smoke and CO alarms are in proper working order
- Ensure their properties are 'fit for Human Habitation'
Frost's landlords safety pack includes 3 risk assessments to maintain compliance, covering the key issues of:
- Legionella Risk Assessment - ensuring your water systems are safe from harmful bacteria
- HHSRS (Housing Health & Safety Rating System) - ensuring your property is risk assessed with The Fitness for Human Habitation Bill 2019
- Smoke & Carbon Monoxide Alarm Testing - ensuring your alarms are positioned correctly, are in date and tested with real smoke & gas
Detailed reports on each risk assessment will be provided upon completion, together with any identified works required.
Book your Assessment now for our fixed price of £165.00 plus vat.
Our Property Management Team can be contacted by:
Phone: 01727 861199 or Email: